Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan. 30 W-401 Blog

I thought that the power point presentations on breeze was pretty cool.  It worked pretty well with only a few minor setbacks.  The entire time I was thinking about how cool it would be to be able to use this to help students with homework or something along those lines.  I thought the information provide in the power points was really cool,  google earth could be a great lead into a new unit, Skype could be used to communicate to people far away like a senator, all of the technologies are really neat.  The only thing I really didn't like was that I could always hear people on breeze, which made it difficult at times to pay attention.  I think I will use Skype in class, because I like the idea of using it to contact a senator, and have him/her talk to the kids about the issues that matter to them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I think that Skype is a fun resource to use in the classroom especially when you can connect to schools in other states and countries. Also, contacting a senator so the students can learn about more issues is an awesome idea! I think Skype is something students will look forward to if it was used often. :)

    Christina Kim, Team 9
